Sales planning and decision intelligence for revenue operations teams


Get strategic, make decisions faster, and grow more efficiently

Top-performing revenue operations teams use Lative to save time, enhance collaboration, and plan strategically to optimize sales capacity and drive profitable, efficient growth.


Save time

Automate manual processes and use real-time data to identify risks and opportunities faster and make better decisions.

Become a strategic partner

Increase visibility with granular data, track key metrics to make better investment decisions and do scenario planning to see the impact of future decisions.

Work better cross functionally

Share data, analysis, and plans cross-functionally to help influence decisions and have a larger impact on the business and its strategy.

Achieve company revenue objectives

Make data-driven growth and investment decisions in real-time to capitalize on market opportunities and quickly adapt to market conditions with optimized hiring.

Grow profitably and efficiently

Develop revenue efficient targets, quotas and capacity plans based on bottoms up operating data to improve resource allocation, avoid over/under hiring and build an optimal revenue organization.

Get in Touch

Let’s reinvent how your sales organizations view and manage their business with Lative’s sales planning and decision intelligence platform.

Access the eBook

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